SD @ Amazing Grapes, 02/09/08

Stone Document did a couple sets at Amazing Grapes, a wine bar in Northern New Jersey last night. It was a totally new crowd who responded surprisingly positively. We are finding to our amazement that even when we play sets of what would be considered “challenging” music, sometimes dissonant and aggressive in nature, people still listen attentively and respond with enthusiasm. Even the folks who are calling out for Pink Floyd tunes (having made the logical leap that we are proggers thru and thru) seem to be into the more aggro stuff. There was the usual show and tell session about the Stick which I am finding to be much easier post-show than between sets; it’s hard to me to transition quickly back to a verbal state. Still, if it helps foster interest…

The first set was much more textured and melodic, the result I think of the luxury of having 2 sets in a relaxed environment versus one fast set in a rock club. Also, we had the chance to actually sit in Dennis’ studio earlier in the day and run through some ideas. As we like to say, the band doesn’t usually rehearse but every other musical thing we do somehow prepares us for a SD gig. You can just be ready and availlable when the moment comes.

Of course one of the reasons the first set went as smoothly as it did was the fact that we didn’t record it. A surefire way to ensure magic will happen. Some video was shot by Dennis’ brother John so there is some evidence. Really looking forward to seeing/hearing that.

The second set was when we veered into the Land of Musical Discomfort. This is a land where unicorns are slaughtered and we drink their blood from the skulls of Kenny G fans – metaphoricaly.

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