SXSW 2012, Part 1

Day 1 (March 9th):

Woke up in San Antonio, Texas this morning. I was greeted by Ellie (pictured below) who I haven’t seen since before her family moved to Texas. The family being Kevin and Margaret. Yes, one-third of the music division of Ghost Ghost now lives in Texas. The other two-thirds will be assembling here to take part in the annual South By Southwest festival (hereafter know as SXSW).

Happy reunion # 3 is seeing Margaret (#1 was seeing Kevlar last night at the airport). Realizing how much I miss these folks. It’s breakfast time so we begin our quest for tacos (rather easy as Tito’s is just down the street and they make fantastic migas, chorrizo and egg/bean/bacon tacos. Setting the taco bar pretty high on my first meal here).

Next is the schlepp to Austin, hotel check-in and badge acquisition. Karl arrives tomorrow. Sadly Tim and Charlie won’t be along as our visual division. A cause for slight concern as it now falls upon us to be visually interesting on our own.

Day 2 (March 10):

I picked Karl up at the airport with the help of Mr. T (my GPS). Tacos are again a priority as is Shiner Bock. Chupacabra Cantina on 6th will soon become our home away from our home away from home.

More importantly, our hotel room now has a coffee station thanks to Kev’s foresight.

This is just a small example of how Kevin’s logistical co-ordination of our Southwest Tour is making the ship sail smoothly.

Spent some time at the convention center. Karl and I connected with Laura our Dorkbot pal at a hot dog place called Franks.

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